As you may have heard or noticed, many doctors are experiencing a flu vaccine shortage again this year. It seems that every few years now there is some problem. A few years ago, there was a problem with one of the strains in the vaccine and most products/brands were affected. This year, it seems to be one particular manufacturer, Sanofi, who makes the Fluzone brand of flu vaccine. They have had their own particular problems getting their vaccine ready and out to doctors.

We are getting a few doses (10-20) every week or two, which has made it impossible to announce that we have vaccine available and to schedule everyone who wants a flu shot. We do apologize for the difficulty. Other doctors who use this brand (which seems to be the most popular one in pediatrics) are having the same problems. Unfortunately, it seems that the company chose to send the bulk of their supply to pharmacies instead of doctors offices. This might work in adult medicine but does not work so well in pediatrics.

We use this brand because we feel that it is the most effective and safe flu vaccine. We may have to change brands next year so that we have an adequate supply. However, other brands have had problems in the past as well.

We will try to keep everyone posted on our supply on our website and Facebook page. As of 10/19/2015, we have flu vaccines for Medicaid patients of all ages. For others, we only have flu vaccine for children under 3 years old.